Peter Robinson's Garden
Peter Robinson Open Sunday was open on 17th June and 2nd September 2017 and in Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire.
Photos from the Open Days
Although not featured in the Gardens Open brochure, Peter Robinson has also kindly agreed to open his garden at Sutton in Ashfield for the Hardy Plant Society (HPS) Diamond Jubilee event.
The Nottingham HPS Group Committee and most of the Friday Gardening Group had the pleasure of visiting this garden in July 2015 and were suitably impressed.
The house is situated on a main road. Passing down the side of the house, we enter through a side gate leading to a balcony revealing an extensive view over this impressive garden.
A short flight of steps leads down onto the lawns and mainly level areas, with borders and island beds richly planted with choice perennials, shrubs and climbers. A path leads past a large pond, through a quadrangle, meanders by a watercourse through rare shrubs and trees underplanted with perennials and returns via an unusual summer house.
The quality of the planting is everywhere apparent. The grey blue culms of a choice Borinda glowing against a darker background and Rosa ‘Bright Eyes’ looking as well as she possibly could.
This is a garden that not only appears visually enchanting to an artistic eye but which repays close observation by the more botanically minded gardeners amongst us. A garden to explore, excite and enjoy.
A hive of Bees is located within the garden, they are noted for being a calm colony and the Beekeeper will be on hand to give advice on plants good for pollinators.