Botanic Garden
Where exactly is the Botanic Garden?
It is located in Wollaton Hall and Deer Park, Wollaton, Nottingham NG8 2AE
The garden is hidden away behind the Coaching Courtyard on the Hall side of the buildings. The main gates are tucked into the corner adjoining the Coaching/Stable block on the Hall side. An even more hidden doorway can be entered underneath the “veranda” in the outer courtyard.
We hope you will take the challenge and come and visit.
Visit the Wollaton Hall Website for opening times of The Park.
Here are 2 photographs taken by Robin Macey of the Nottingham & Derby Hot Air Balloon Club in April 2014. You can clearly see the Botanic Garden. Robin hopes to fly directly over the garden one day and we have asked him to take photographs. Many thanks.