Botanic Garden
Where exactly is the Botanic Garden?
It is located in Wollaton Hall and Deer Park, Wollaton, Nottingham NG8 2AE
Scroll down to see videos showing the Garden in relation to the car parks and Wollaton Hall.
The garden is hidden away behind the Coaching Courtyard on the Hall side of the buildings. The main gates are tucked into the corner adjoining the Coaching/Stable block on the Hall side. An even more hidden doorway can be entered underneath the “veranda” in the outer courtyard.
We hope you will take the challenge and come and visit.
Visit the Wollaton Hall Website for opening times of The Park.
Photo (Dan Hutton) shows the car parks and the lower courtyard (centre)
Below are 7 drone videos shot by Dan Hutton in July 2024
showing the Garden in relation to the car parks and Wollaton Hall.
Looking straight down over the top car park and flying up over The Botanic Garden and courtyards panning up at end over to Wollaton Hall and Nottingham beyond.
Low level flying over path next to Gate Border, spinning round by Bothy and low flying back out of the Garden over the Top Shed
Pan up from Courtyard and The Botanic Garden straight up to Wollaton Hall and Nottingham
Start over The Botanic Garden then slow pull out and spin to over Industrial Museum and round to Courtyards and Wollaton Hall, Camellia House, Park and Golf Course.
Lower flight over The Botanic Garden then pull up at end to view of top car park.
Straight pull away from The Botanic Garden and upwards from the courtyard side.
Shot of top car park, then over The Botanic Garden spin round and fly off in a South-Easterly direction.