Garden Diary 2014
We were busy in the garden again in 2014 - here are just some of the things we've done.
Some of the new Plants in the Garden - Kniphofia, Tulbaghia, Camassia, Tulips, Strobilanthes, Codonopsis, Dianthus, Calamagrostis, Melica, Astrantia, Chaerophyllum, Eryngium, Mathiasella, Hacquetia, Polypodium
Plants removed include Persicaria campanulata owing to its invasive properties, all Poppies, some plants from Jill's bed, also lots of Lemon Balm spreading throughout the Salvia bed. Sedum spurium as it failed to flower. Some Euphorbia were removed and potted up ready to sell in Spring. New Euphorbias will be chosen and planted in 2015
The Baptisia australis was moved to the back of the Hosta bed, Clematis Arabella moved to the Ranunculaceae bed, Sempervivum transferred from the Crassulaceae bed to a terracotta pot by the new seating area and the Trillium sessile was lifted and split removing all trace of invasive Convallaria majalis.
Poppy bed
As there is divided opinion as to what should be done with the empty bed now the poppies have been removed it was decided to plant this up with a selection of annuals for the summer of 2015 only. A large number of seedlings have appeared since the bed was cleared and therefore it will not be suitable to plant up with a permanent scheme for a season. Sandra has obtained a selection of seed packets and will sow these in the spring.
Jed’s baking skills impressed us all when he brought a delicious home made Blackberry and Apple Pie for us in October
Improving the soil
A newly planted bed was ravaged by a fox destroying some expensive new plants, so to our cost we cannot use Blood Fish and Bone or Bonemeal to feed plants. We have been given access to a large store of leafmould in the Park and have used this to improve the soil of the Poppy bed once it was cleared. Some leafmould was also spread over much of the fern bed. One of the workers has offered transport for us to collect larger quantities and return to the garden when we need supplies in 2015.
Plunge Beds
The plunge beds have had a thorough clearout in late summer. Some of the netting needs to be repaired/replaced in 2015
Database, Photos and Labels
Work has continued on the extensive Database of plants in the garden, planting plans are now to be developed in conjunction with this. Photographs of over 500 plants, mostly in flower have been taken and a short list of plants yet to be photographed has been made for 2015.
Research was undertaken on the source of Rodgersia podophylla 'Instow' an HPS Conservation Plant in the garden, an article was published on the HPS Conservation Plant website. A small number of plants were propagated this year with more planned for next year.
Plant labels were renewed where necessary and Trough Plants named where possible.
Sheds/ General Maintenance
Early in the year new boards were fixed to the bottom of the gates to deter certain wildlife from entering and digging up bulbs etc. Lighting has been installed in Shed no. 3 and a mirror in The Bothy.
Jed made a new top for our wooden bench which sits in the plant sales area - it had rotted through.
The New Cosy Corner
3 wooden benches which were no longer needed by Wollaton Park and were beginning to rot at the bottoms of the legs, were given to us in the knowledge that Jill's husband Gordon would be able to repair them. As you can see from the photograph below they are looking great and are just what we needed. We have cleared the area at the far end of the garden where the sun shines when we are having our elevenses on a Friday morning. Gordon has also made a table for the seating area in addition to all the work on restoration of the seats.
The photo below shows Jill, Derek,Sylvia, Gwen, Barbara, Michael, Brenda, Gordon, Sandra and Iris.
Plans for 2015
Clean and sort plunge bed plants for the AGM Plant Sale in March.
Plant Rosa 'Zéphirine Drouhin' next to Cosy Corner. This is a vigorous shrub rose to 3m tall, with thornless stems and highly fragrant, double, rose-pink flowers 8cm wide in summer and autumn.
Plant Bergenia ciliata.
Propagate threatened plants as above including Penstemon 'Edithae'.
Check Heuchera 'Black Beauty' for any signs of growth in 2015.
Continue with moving and dividing some ferns.
Continue with beds eg. Euphorbiaceae
Decide on the Onagraceae bed, part of the Poppy bed.
Move Clematis Perle d'Azur and C. Pagoda.
Move small plant of Baptisia australis to back with main plant.
Move one of the short Astilbe to the front of the bed, this is named on the Database.
Erect proper plant supports for the climbers on the walls and purchase new plant supports from the AGM.
Manure was obtained and tested by Carol and Erica to make sure it was not full of weed seed. It has proved to be very good and hopefully more will be obtained from the same source in the future.
Plants needing to be removed in 2015
Blackberry vines growing at the base of the wall of the Iris bed.
The Hawthorn hedge needs trimming back in some sections as it overhangs the beds.
Remove some of the Darmera peltata as spreading too far.
Remove Clematis from wall above side gate and change Nest Box.
Remove the grass which is producing runners and spreading across the bed, it is probably Anemanthele lessoniana which grows in a clump next to the path opposite the side gate.