The Garden Today
The garden today represents approximately 50 different plant families. The walls are clothed with a selection of clematis, akebia, lonicera and humulus lupulus aureus. In early spring the pulmonarias make a fine sight with their full blooms and differently marked foliage. There are several trilliums amongst the emerging fronds of the many ferns.
In the spring the highly scented lilac blooms of the perennial honesty, Lunaria rediviva, is usually in full bloom when we hold our April Plant Sale (the first of the Season) and is much sought after. The many hostas are the next to put in an appearance and make a long lasting display with their varied leaves and shapes.Then come the paeonies and irises followed closely by the geraniums that always give a good long lasting show with their many colours and forms. The Leguminosae bed makes a pleasing display with Lathyrus ‘White Pearl’ and the red Lathyrus rotundifolia with a backdrop of the yellow Piptanthus nepalense.
The Garden in mid July 2024 looking North. Drone photo by Dan Hutton (with permission)
Later in the season the Lilies and Kniphofias are a stunning sight growing taller each year. The grasses are always eye-catching and a good talking point when we are open to the public on Sunday afternoons. The many forms of penstemon, hemerocallis and geranium make a colourful long-lasting display through the summer and in the autumn the many different salvias cause quite a stir among the visitors. We grow around 15 HPS Conservation Plants most of which thrive in our sandy soil.
We aim to grow some of the traditional older varieties of perennials whilst still keeping up to date with more modern plants. As well as the flowers and perfume we also have many foliage plants. The group is very conscious of the need to renew and develop the garden so, we are working our way round the garden renewing the planting schemes.