
Come and join us

A group of Members usually garden every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings from 9.30 - 12.30 to tend the garden and chat over a cup of coffee. New volunteers are always welcome so please do come and join us. 
Volunteers are required to be National and Nottingham Group members.

You can contact us by sending an email to hps.nottingham.group@gmail.com

Here we are on the last Friday of the month get together
with most of the Friday Group in our Sitooterie at coffee time.

Photo - Clockwise round the table from L to R  Erika, Sandra, Barbara, Jed, Louise, Janet, Iris, Derek and Erica

Volunteering at the Botanic Garden

I was very much a "sleeping" member of Nottingham Hardy Plant Group for a number of years. I knew of the garden from visits to the park on Sunday afternoons and going to the plant sales. When circumstances changed a few ago the time was right to phone Jill, the Garden Co-ordinator, and offer my services. I didn't know anybody and I'm no great expert on plants but I've dabbled with seeds and cuttings and I do love getting my hands dirty! So, with these limited abilities I presented myself at the garden one Friday morning.

There's a core group of 10-12 members, many of whom have been gardening there for many years. Some are very knowledgeable and some have specific plant passions. Some love gardening but wouldn't know a Latin plant name if it jumped up and bit them! Some can't do heavy jobs and others do odd jobs as the need arises. All were very welcoming because the more people who volunteer the more likely it is that the Nottingham group will be able to continue to maintain the garden. Also, many hands make light work and it really is a big job to keep the garden looking good for visitors and producing plants to sell. The money raised from plant sales plays a very significant part in keeping down membership fees and paying for good speakers for the winter programme of talks.

I've really enjoyed the opportunity to garden alongside other members. Even the boring jobs are more fun if you have someone to work with and chat. I've learned so much from the experience of others. Last year I had a master class in propagating penstemons although the weather rather reduced the success rate! I've been with group members to run plant stalls at outside events and have discovered the pleasure of making a sale! I'm even growing a few more interesting plants in my own garden now.....

So, if you are free on a Wednesday or Friday morning between 9.30 and 12.00, even if not on a regular basis, come along and join the group. Make sure you're there at 11.00am though, as that's when we have tea, coffee or hot chocolate and biscuits!


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