Meetings 2019-20
Sep. 13th - Colin Hickman ‘Agapanthus, Tulbaghia, Nerines and AmArines'
Steve and Colin Hickman run the Hoyland Plant Centre near Barnsley in West Yorkshire - at the foot of the Pennines. This isn’t somewhere that comes to mind when thinking of agapanthus but when Steve (father Hickman) was given a giant blue and a giant white, in full flower, it was obviously love at first sight. He was hooked on collecting, cultivating and propagating not only Agapanthus but all in the Amaryllidaceae family. One, or both, will doubtless infect us all with their enthusiasm and passion.
Photo from Colin’s website
Oct. 11th - Andrew Gaunt - ‘Hedychiums’
Andrew is another horticulturalist with a passion for one particular plant species having been given one plant which led to a collection of ornamental gingers. Ornamental butterfly gingers are correctly named Hedychium which should be pronounced ‘hey-DIK-ee-um. We’d better practise it beforehand. Andrew holds the national collection of ornamental gingers and would love to share his knowledge.
Photo from Andrew’s website
Nov. 8th - Simon Dodsworth - ‘Bryan Dodsworth - 40 years in search of perfection in form and colour’
The Dodsworth irises were hybridised by Bryan Dodsworth over 40 years in his Nottinghamshire garden in East Bridgford. He raised plants of exceptional quality developed through rigorous selection. Simon Dodsworth will talk about his father’s life work and the basics of growing and caring for irises. He will bring some plants for sale on the evening. We have recently purchased a few of these irises for the bed at the Botanic garden.
Photo Iris ‘Roman Emperor’
Photo taken at Doddington Hall, Lincs
Dec. 13th -Xmas Party and Peter Armitage from Stonebridge City Farm
Before our meeting descends into the traditional festive revelry we welcome general manager, Peter Armitage, from Stonebridge City Farm to tell us, in person, all about this special charity and what our gift to them in 2019 has meant
Jan 10th - John Cullen - ‘Achillea, Great for gardeners and pollinators’
All you need to know about growing Achilleas, their history and the benefits to pollinators.
Seeds will also be available for sale and John will also have Botanical Candles and diffusers that they make. (essential oil is gathered from their herbs and the candles are made from soya wax).
Photo from John’s website.
Feb 14th - Samantha Hopes - ‘Hepaticas’
The genus Hepatica is very close to Samantha's heart. This talk explores the beautiful range of plants available that Samantha came across while working with John Massey on his collection at Ashwood Nurseries.
There will be a focus on cultivation, including a re-potting demo.
Photo from Samantha’s website.
Mar 13th- AGM and Tynings Climbers - Jane Lindsay and Toni O’Connor
Jane and Toni hold collections of Passiflora and Jasminium and after more than 25 years of working with climbers their ambition is to hold the largest collection of climbing plants in the world.
They exhibit at all the major shows, including our local Chatsworth Show. They promise to share their knowledge of what to select, how to prune and, what’s more, they promise to bring plants for sale.
Photo from Tyning’s catalogue
Apr 17th - Ben Preston - ‘York Gate Garden through the Head Gardener's Eyes’
This talk was cancelled and rescheduled for Feb 2021 on zoom.
A brief history of the Garden. The design, layout and the innovative successional planting through the 14 garden rooms. The new developments and extension of York Gate to protect its future.
Photo from York Gate’s website