Meetings 2015-16
11th SEP - "Classic, rare and unusual bulbs" - Gill Hazell
The programme starts with a contribution from Gill Hazell, the owner of Great Western Gladiolus, Bristol. Gill usually limits her talks to the South West of England in order to devote more time to her nursery and garden but we have been able to tempt her northwards to speak on : "Classic, rare and unusual bulbs"
9th OCT - People, plants, pleasure, passion - Don Witton
October sees the return of our old friend Don Witton whom you may have seen recently on "Gardeners' World", being interviewed by Carol Klein. He spoke in his lovely Firvale allotment garden in Harthill, Derbyshire, where he grows his National Collection of Euphorbias. His talk to us is called: "People, plants, pleasure, passion" It is sure to be both witty and entertaining.
13th NOV - An evening in conversation with Anne Wareham
In November we will be hosting the self-styled 'bad-tempered gardener', Anne Wareham. She owns the magnificent Veddw House garden in Monmouthshire and is referred to by James Alexander-Sinclair as 'at once entertaining, opinionated and deliciously annoying' , by Sarah Maitland as 'challenging rather than bad-tempered' and by Germaine Greer as 'inviting intellectual engagement'. The event will take the form of a discussion between Anne and Barbara Riley, our Chair at Nottingham HPS. Questions will be welcomed from the audience and we are hoping for an evening of lively debate and participation.
Just to reassure the wary, The Daily Mail referred to Anne thus, 'in the flesh, Anne is not at all bad-tempered, she's a little shy in fact, with a nice line in bone-dry humour, grounded in sharp intelligence.'
11th DEC - Gardeners' Christmas Quiz
The December social event will combine refreshment with fun as we unveil our spectacular, multi-media Gardeners' Christmas Quiz! Months in the planning, a not-to-be missed horticultural extravaganza.
8th JAN - The Rose Family of Trees - Dr. Graham Piearce
The new year begins with a talk from Nottingham's own Dr. Graham Piearce, an HPS member, who will talk on: "The Rose Family of Trees", those most suited to home gardens, moderate in size and multi-functional by way of flowers, fruit and year-round interest. He will also include local examples from our parks, recreation grounds and street trees around the city.
12th FEB - Sledmere Gardens through the Year - Andrew Karavics & AGM
In February we are excited to be hosting Andrew Karavics, the Head Gardener at Sledmere House in East Yorkshire. This garden is gaining increasing prominence for its dynamic development programme and its breathtaking beauty and plantsmanship. Andrew is a passionate and innovative practitioner and this promises to be an exceptional evening as he talks on: "Sledmere Gardens through the Year"
11th MAR - Things that turn me on - Confessions of a Plant Freak - Nick Macer
March brings us a visit from the renowned plantsman, plant hunter and owner of Pan Global nursery in Frampton-on-Severn, Gloucestershire, Nick Macer. Nick trained at both The Hillier Gardens in Hampshire and Westonbirt Arboretum before starting his own nursery. He sells all manner of botanical desirables and will bring pre-ordered plants to Nottingham for this evening. A rare opportunity to acquire something very special for your garden.
His talk is entitled: "Things that turn me on - Confessions of a Plant Freak" (My kind of plants, rare, special, neglected, beautiful, in the wild and in cultivation.)
8th APR - Pictures from a Library Garden - Brian Ellis
The season ends in April with a talk from Brian Ellis of Avondale Nurseries. Brian is a well-known nurseryman and plant enthusiast and will talk on: "Pictures from a Library Garden", focusing on plants he grows at home in Coventry.