Outings 2024
Our three Outings for our members in summer 2024 were a huge success. We are already looking forward to 2025!
We have three Outings for our members to look forward to this summer with a huge choice of plants for sale.
We will be travelling with Acorn Travel again, a local firm specialising in smaller coaches.
Please refer to the Outings Information page where you will see a map with the 2 pick up points marked, They remain the same as last year. There will be 36 seats on each outing, the usual comforts but no toilet.
There is plenty of space to store all your plants.
Bookings will be via the online booking system successfully used for the last 2 years.
Here is the link to our online Outings Booking Form
Please note this is only for paid up members of Nottingham Group.
We will open to family and friends later should seats be available - members will be informed of this by email.
The online booking form for Outings will be sent to the membership via email.
Confirmation of bookings will be sent via email or by phone for members without internet access.
Initial bookings are only accepted for Members.
If places remain available near to the date of the trip, invitations may be extended to friends/relatives.
All the usual information on trip details, including the Gardens, how to book, the location of car parking and coach pick up places, are included in Spring Newsletters sent to members.
RHS Harlow Carr - 58 acres with streams and lakes, woodland and wildflower meadows, moisture loving plants around streamsides. Spectacular borders, sub tropical garden. Alpine House, Kitchen garden and much more.
Betty’s Cafe and Tea rooms. Garden Centre and shop.
Photos courtesy of RHS Harlow Carr
Flore is situated between Daventry and Northampton, the village gardens have been opening as part of the Flower Festival since 1963, we visited in 2012. Flore is an attractive village with views over the Upper Nene Valley, there will be a varied mix of 10 + gardens scattered throughout the village from traditional to eccentric including 3 new this year, they provide year round interest.
Homemade teas and light lunches in the Chapel School Room and Coffees/teas available in the Church. Plants for sale.
Photo by Mavis Broomhall when our group visited Flore in June 2012
FRIDAY 19th JULY 2024
FRIDAY 19th JULY 2024
Stone House Cottage Nursery www.shcn.co.uk
No refreshments
Described as a beautiful and romantic walled garden adorned with unusual brick follies. This acclaimed garden is exuberantly planted and holds one of the largest collections of rare plants in the country. It acts as a shop window for the adjoining nursery. Plants for sale mostly in small numbers.
Photos with permission from Stone House Cottage Nursery
Ashwood Nurseries and John’s Garden www.ashwoodnurseries.com
A repeat visit to a favourite Nursery and garden at a different time of year.
We will visit John’s private garden, including entry and self guided tour of the Wildlife Garden with stunning views, featuring native and ornamental trees, wildflower meadow etc.
Browse the Nurseries, Garden Centre and gift shop plus many choice plants for sale.
Refreshments in the Tea Room and Oss Box, Outside seating only available for Tea Room and Oss Box customers.
All own food to be consumed on the coach.
Photos by Erica Thomson visiting in August 2018